Welcome! This site contains information and materials related to my ongoing research.

I completed my PhD at the University of Exeter in May 2020, as part of the AWESoMeStars ERC project under the supervision of Prof. Sean Matt. I continued working with Prof. Sean Matt in Exeter as a Postdoctoral Research Associate until December 2020. Since then, I have been emplyed as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CEA Paris-Saclay with Prof. Sacha Brun, as part of the WholeSun ERC project.

My research focuses on the atmospheres of stars like the Sun, which are heated to millions of degrees and subsequently escape in the form of stellar winds. During my PhD, I investigated how these winds remove angular momentum from Sun-like stars using a combination of numerical models and observations. However, I quickly learnt that even for our closest star (the Sun) measuing the loss of angular momentum (how quickly the Sun's rotation is slowing down) is challenging… so I placed constraints by evaluating the solar wind angular momentum flux and the rotation of the Sun’s atmosphere. Now, as part of the WholeSun project, I am investigating the heating of the solar atmosphere and the generation of magnetic flux inside Sun-like stars, using numerical simulations. I have also been assessing long-term trends in the Sun’s magnetic activity, from persistent active longitudes to the role of coronal holes in sculpting the solar wind. Some of my time is devoted to following the Sun’s flaring activity, and producing weekly bulletins that are widely distributed.

My Papers!

Research Interests

Solar Wind

The surface of the Sun sits at a modest 5800 kelvin and yet the solar atmosphere/wind above is heated to millions of kelvin. What processes are important in heating the solar corona, and how does this energy balance change for other stars (with different ages, masses, metalicities, etc...)?

Angular Momentum

During the lifetime of a star like the Sun, its wind will remove a negligable amount of mass. However due to the star's magnetic field, this mass-loss efficiently removes angular momentum causing the star's rotation period to increase with age. How much angular momentum is the solar wind removing from the Sun right now?

Stellar Magnetism

Stars like the Sun generate magnetic fields through an internal dynamo; powered by the interplay of rotation and convection. These magnetic fields play an important role in transporting energy to their stellar winds, which influences their mass-loss, and angular momentum-loss rates.

Numerical Simulation

In order to perform my research I make use of a variety of magnetohydrodynamic simulation codes, this includes the PLUTO code for solar/stellar winds, and more recently the Bifrost code for modelling the solar atmosphere.

Published Papers (ORCID:0000-0002-3020-9409)


Long-lived Solar Active Region Nest During 2022: Near-continuous Monitoring of Flaring with Combined Observations Finley, A. J., Brun, S., Strugarek, A., et al. in Preperation ??? (2024).

Magnetofrictional Simulations Confirm Rigid Coronal Rotation Aslanyan, V., Finley, A. J., Meyer, K., and Yeates, A. in Preperation ??? (2024).

Closing the solar dynamo loop: poloidal field generation at the surface Cameron, R., Schunker, H., Brun, A. S., Strugarek, A., Finley, A. J., et al. in Preperation ??? (2024).

Magnetic Activity Evolution of Solar-like Stars: II. S_ph-Ro Evolution of Kepler Main-Sequence Targets Mathur, S., Santos, A., Claytor, Z., Garcia, R., Strugarek, A., Finley, A. J., et al. Submitted to A&A ??? (2024).

Nested Active Regions Anchor the Heliospheric Current Sheet and Stall the Reversal of the Coronal Magnetic Field Finley, A. J. Submitted to A&A ??? (2024).

Impact of Solar Orbiter Far-side Data on Coronal and Heliospheric Wind Simulations Perri, B., Finley, A. J., Reville, V., Parenti, S, Brun, A. S., Strugarek, A., and Buchlin, E. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics ??? (2024).

Kepler Main-sequence Stars: Surface Rotation and Magnetic Activity Evolution Santos, A. R. G., Godoy-Rivera, D., Finley, A. J., Mathur, S., Garcia, R. A., Breton, S. N., and Broomhall, A. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10.3389 (2024).

How Well Does Surface Magnetism Represent Deep Sun-like Star Dynamo Action? Finley, A. J., Brun, A. S., Strugarek, A., and Cameron, R. Astronomy and Astrophysics 684.A92 (2024).

Weakened Magnetic Braking in the Exoplanet Host Star 51 Peg Metcalfe, T. S., Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I. V., Buzasi, D., Ayres, T. R., ..., Finley, A. J., et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 960.L5 (2024).


Evolution of Solar Wind Sources and Coronal Rotation Driven by the Cyclic Variation of the Sun's Large-scale Magnetic Field Finley, A. J., and Brun, A. S. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679.A29 (2023).

Asteroseismology and Spectropolarimetry of the Exoplanet Host Star λ Serpentis Metcalfe, T. S., Buzasi, D., Huber, D., Pinsonnault, M. H., van Saders, J. L., ..., Finley, A. J., et al. The Astrophysical Journal 166.4 (2023): 167.

Constraints on Magnetic Braking from the G8 Dwarf Stars 61 UMa and τ Cet Metcalfe, T. S., Strassmeier, K. G., Ilyin, I. V., van Saders, J. L., Ayres, T. R., ..., Finley, A. J., et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 948.1 (2023): L6.

The Influence of Solar Differential Rotation on Calculations of the Sun's Angular Momentum-loss Rate Finley, A. J., and Brun, A. S. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674.A42 (2023).


Observations of Quiescent Solar Wind Regions with Near-fce Wave Activity Short, B., Malaspina, D. M., Halekas, J., Romeo, O., Verniero, J. L., Finley, A. J., et al. The Astrophysical Journal 940.1 (2022): 45.

Stirring the base of the solar wind: On heat transfer and vortex formation Finley, A. J., Brun, A. S., Carlsson, M., Szydlarski, M., Hansteen, V., and Shoda, M. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665.A118 (2022).

The Origin of Weakened Magnetic Braking in Old Solar Analogs Metcalfe, T. S., Finley, A. J., Kochukhov, O., See, V., et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 933 (2022): L17.

Effect of Differential Rotation on Magnetic Braking of Low-Mass and Solar-Like Stars: A Proof-of-Concept Study Ireland, L. G., Matt, S. P., Davey, C. R., Harris, O. L., Slade-Harajda, T. W., Finley, A. J. , and Zanni, C. The Astrophysical Journal 925.1 (2022): 100.

A Statistical Evaluation of Ballistic Backmapping for the Slow Solar Wind: The Interplay of Solar Wind Acceleration and Corotation Macneil, A. R., Owens, M., Finley, A. J. , and Matt, S. P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (2022).

The Influence of Magnetic Field Inclination on Angular Momentum Loss from Thermally Driven Winds Finley, A. J., Matt, S. P., and Zanni, C. in Preperation (???).


Magnetic and Rotational Evolution of rho CrB from Asteroseismology with TESS Metcalfe, T. S., van Saders, J. L., Basu, S., Buzasi, D., Drake, J. J., Egeland, R., Huber, D., Saar, S. H., Stassun, K. G., Ball, W. H., Campante, T. L., Finley, A. J. et al, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 921 (2021): L122.

The Solar Wind Angular Momentum Flux Observed During Solar Orbiter’s First Orbit Verscharen, D., Stansby, D., Finley, A. J., Owens, C. J., Horbury, T. et al, Astronomy and Astrophysics SolO Special Issue (2021).

The Contribution of Alpha Particles to the Solar Wind Angular Momentum Flux in the Inner Heliosphere Finley, A. J., McManus, M, Matt, S. P., Kasper, J. et al, Astronomy and Astrophysics Parker Solar Probe: Ushering a new frontier in space exploration (2021).


The Solar Wind Angular Momentum Flux as Observed by Parker Solar Probe Finley, A. J., Matt, S. P., Réville, V., Pinto, R. F., Owens, M., Kasper, J. et al, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 902 (2020): L4.

Parker Solar Probe Observations of Suprathermal Electron Flux Enhancements Originating from Coronal Hole Boundaries Macneil, A. R., Owens, M., Bercic, L. and Finley, A. J., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (2020): 4.

Alfvén-wave-driven Magnetic Rotator Winds from Low-mass Stars. I. Rotation Dependences of Magnetic Braking and Mass-loss Rate Shoda, M., Suzuki, T. K., Matt, S. P., Cranmer, S. R., Vidotto, A. A., Strugarek, A., See, V., Réville, V., Finley, A. J. , and Brun, A. S., The Astrophysical Journal 896.2 (2020): 123.

How Much do Underestimated Field Strengths from Zeeman-Doppler Imaging Affect Spin-down Torque Estimates? See, V., Lehmann, L., Matt, S. P., and Finley, A. J. The Astrophysical Journal 894.1 (2020): 69.


Direct Detection of Solar Angular Momentum Loss with the Wind Spacecraft Finley, A. J., Hewitt, A. L., Matt, S. P., Owens, M., Pinto, R. F. and Réville, V. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 885 (2019): L30.

Do Non-dipolar Magnetic Fields Contribute to Spin-down Torques? See, V., Matt, S. P., Finley, A. J., Folsom, C. P., Boro Saikia, S., Donati, J. F., Fares, R. et al. The Astrophysical Journal 886.2 (2019): 120.

Solar Angular Momentum Loss Over the Past Several Millennia Finley, A. J., Deshmukh, S., Matt, S. P., Owens, M. and Wu, C. J. The Astrophysical Journal 883.1 (2019): 67.

The Effect of Magnetic Variability on Stellar Angular Momentum Loss II: The Sun, 61 Cygni A, ε Eridani, ξ Bootis A and τ Bootis A Finley, A. J., See, V., and Matt, S. P. The Astrophysical Journal 876.1 (2019): 44.

Estimating Magnetic Filling Factors from Zeeman-Doppler Magnetograms See, V., Matt, S. P., Folsom, C. P., Boro Saikia, S., Donati, J. F., Fares, R., Finley, A. J. et al. The Astrophysical Journal 876.2 (2019): 118.


The Effect of Magnetic Variability on Stellar Angular Momentum Loss I: The Solar Wind Torque During Sunspot Cycles 23 & 24 Finley, A. J., Matt, S. P., and See, V. The Astrophysical Journal 864.2 (2018): 125.

The Effect of Combined Magnetic Geometries on Thermally Driven Winds. II. Dipolar, Quadrupolar, and Octupolar Topologies Finley, A. J., and Matt, S. P. The Astrophysical Journal 854.2 (2018): 78.


The Effect of Combined Magnetic Geometries on Thermally Driven Winds I: Interaction of Dipolar and Quadrupolar Fields Finley, A. J., and Matt, S. P. The Astrophysical Journal 845.1 (2017): 46.

Parker Solar Probe PFSS Connectivity to the Sun:


PhD Physics - University of Exeter (2016-2020)

MPhys Physics with Astrophysics and Space Science - Lancaster University (2012-2016)

Co-Supervised Summer Student Projects

Amy Hewitt - Direct Detection of Solar Wind Angular Momentum Flux - 2019

Siddhant Deshmukh - Long-time Variability of the Solar Angular Momentum Loss Rate - 2018

Dean Patient - 3D Printing of Stellar Magnetic Fields - 2017

Teaching Experience

Undergraduate Student Project: Le Soleil, Solar Orbiter/EUI et la Rotation/Déformation des Trous Coronaux (2023)

Undergraduate Student Project: Mesure de la Rotation de l'Atmosphere Solaire avec des Images EUV (2022)

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (2016-2020):

PHY2021 - Electromagnetism I

PHY2022 - Quantum Mechanics I

PHY2023 - Thermal Physics

PHY2024 - Condensed Matter I

Referee Experience

Frontiers Topic Editor

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Astrophysical Journal

Invited Events/Seminars

Invited Speaker at the International Conference of Physics Students, Tbilisi, Georgia, August 2024

ESA ESTEC Visit - Invited Seminar, Leiden, Netherlands, July 2024

Invited Seminar at the University of Birmingham, UK, May 2024

Invited Lecturer at Exoplanet Diversity Spring School, Kiel, Germany, May 2024

Invited Seminar at the University of Dundee, UK, November 2023

Invited Seminar at the University of Reading, UK, October 2022

Invited Talk at Skumanich Conference, Boulder, US, March 2022

Invited Virtual Solar Seminar at Northumbria University, December 2020

Invited Virtual Nordic Dynamo Seminar Series, November 2020

Invited Virtual Astrophysics Seminar at Trinity College Dublin, October 2020

Invited Seminar at the DAMTP, University of Cambridge, October 2018

Attended Events

UK National Astronomy Meeting - Contributed Talks, Hull, UK, July 2024

Cool Stars 22 - Contributed Splinter Talk, San Diego, California, US, June 2024

Solar Orbiter STIX Meeting - Contributed Talk, Paris, France, June 2024

Joint PSP, SO, DKIST Meeting (Eclipse 2024) - Contributed Talk, San Antonio, Texas, US, April 2024

European Space Weather Week 2023 - Contributed Poster, Toulouse, France, November 2023

UK National Astronomy Meeting - Contributed Talk, Cardiff, UK, July 2023

Solar Wind 16 - Contributed Talk, Monterey, California, US, June 2023

Flux Emergence Workshop - Contributed Talk, Santorini, Greece, June 2023

SOLARNET Meeting - Contributed Talk, IAP, Potsdam, Germany, May 2023

Bcool 2023 - Contributed Talk, MPS, Gottingen, Germany, April 2023

4th Parker Solar Probe Scholars Meeting - Contributed Talk, November 2022

Solar Orbiter 8 Workshop - Contributed Talk, Belfast, UK, September 2022

IAU General Assembly 2022 - Contributed Talks in IAUS372 and IAUS370, Busan, Rep. of Korea, August 2022

UK National Astronomy Meeting - Contributed Talk and Poster, University of Warwick, UK, July 2022

Cool Stars 21 - Contributed Talk and Poster, Toulouse, France, July 2022

Programme National Soleil Terre (PNST), Contributed Talk and Poster, Marseille, France, May 2022

Lorentz Center - Magnetohydrodynamics: Physics for the 21st Century, Leiden, October 2021

SOLARNET Summer School - High Resolution Solar Physics, September 2021

2nd Parker Solar Probe Scholars Meeting - Contributed Talk, August 2021

UK National Astronomy Meeting 2021 - Contributed Talk, July 2021

PARKER ONE Conference - Contributed Talk, June 2021

SF2A (French National Astronomy Meeting) 2021 - Contributed Poster, May 2021

Virtual Bcool 2021 - Presented Talk via Zoom, April 2021

Preamble to the Solar Orbiter Summer School - Presented Poster, April 2021

Cool Stars 20.5 - Presented Haiku, March 2021

UKSP Specialist Discussion Day - Presented Talk via Zoom, July 2020

3rd Uk Solar Orbiter Meeting - Presented Talk at St Andrews, UK, January 2020

Gave a seminar to the Solar Physics group, University of Exeter, October 2019

Chaired the Bath, Bristol, Exeter and Cardiff Student Seminars, University of Exeter, UK, October 2019

STFC Adv. Summer School in Solar System Plasmas, Lancaster Univeristy, UK, September 2019

Bcool 2019 - Presented Talk at University of Exeter, UK, July 2019

IAUS354: Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations (Eclipse 2019) - Presented Poster in Copiapo, Chile, July 2019

ISSI Team Meeting "Solar & Stellar Wind Connection", Bern, Switzerland, June 2019

Evry Schatzman School "Multi-D Processes in Stellar Physics", Roscoff, France, October 2018

STFC Intro. Summer School in Solar System Plasmas, University of Exeter, UK, August 2018

Cool Stars 20 - Presented Poster in Boston, MA, July 2018

Internal Seminar - Presented talk entitled "The Effect of Magnetic Geometry on the Angular Momentum Loss From the Sun and Other Stars", University of Exeter, July 2018

Bcool 2018 - Presented Talk at Trinity College Dublin, April 2018

BBECss - Presented talk entitled "The Effect of Magnetic Variability on the Angular Momentum Loss From the Sun and Other Stars", University of Exeter, December 2017

2nd Year Talks - Presented talk entitled 'Rotational Evolution of Sun-Like Stars Due to Their Stellar Winds", University of Exeter, October 2017

Ages2 Conference - Presented Poster in Elba, Italy, September 2017

Rotation and Activity Mini Meeting - Western Washington University, WA, August 2017

IAUS 335: Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts - Assisted the LOC, University of Exeter, July 2017

Bcool 2017 - Presentation and 3D models in Montpellier, July 2017

National Astronomy Meeting 2017 - Presented Poster and 3D models at University of Hull, July 2017

Peer-Organised 1st Year Astrophysics Development Day - University of Exeter, June 2017

TOUPIES Wrap-up - Meeting at Universite de Montpelier France, November 2016

HPC Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics - Workshop at CINECA Bologna Italy, November 2016

Star Formation - Conference at Exeter University, September 2016

Modern Observations, Theory and Techniques for Solar and Stellar Physics - Meeting at Warwick University, July 2016

Nuggets and Press

Public Youtube Livestream, September 2024

UK Solar Physics Early Career Researcher Talk Prize (awarded by the Royal Astronomical Society) at NAM 2023, July 2023

Cover of Astronomy & Astrophysics, June 2023

Actualites Scientific CEA, October 2022

Weekendavisen (Danish Online Newspaper) "Mission Ikaros", December 2019

Nature News "Sun-bombing spacecraft uncovers secrets of the solar wind", December 2019

UK Solar Physics Nugget - Wrote article, September 2019

HMI Science Nugget - Wrote article, December 2017

Contact Details

Institution Address:
CEA Paris-Saclay
Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex